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OSPO Support Function

If you are running an OSPO, does it have a support function? If so, can you measure the amount of interaction with the OSPO and how it changes over time as a proxy for value?

What To Measure



Tickets opened in a given time period, or total number of conversations your team is having.

Monitoring the total number of conversations your team has had during a specific period can generate powerful insights regarding the quality of your support service. It can help you identify peak times for support requests and ticket creation which can guide your hiring and tech stack decisions to ensure you continue to meet customer demands. -

Resolution Time

Resolution Time

Per-ticket time to complete resolution. You can then work out averages (or another distribution) based on this.

Your customers lead busy lives, so you need to ensure that your support experience is comfortable and asynchronous for minimal disruption. -

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Satisfaction ratings, usually upon closing a ticket the "customer" will be given a survey with a 1-5 rating score.

Further Reading