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Artifact Repository

For a financial services firm, the importance of hosting an artifact repository manager such as JFrog Artifactory or Sonatype's Nexus inside the firm's firewall cannot be overstated.

These tools serve as critical components in the firm's software development lifecycle, enabling secure, efficient management and storage of binary artifacts, dependencies, and build artifacts.

By situating these repositories internally, the firm significantly enhances its cybersecurity posture.

Having an internal repository:

  • Accelerates development workflows - the repository acts as a local cache for dependencies.
  • Reduces external dependencies - code can be built entirely within the firm's network.
  • Minimizes downtime - as developers are not relying on third-party infrastructure such as or Maven Central.

Using Open Source Software

Using open source software within a financial services organisation poses unique challenges. This article outlines some of the potential pitfalls and solutions when getting started.

Software Inventory

Software inventory is a precondition to most of the activities involved in OSMM level 2. The first step to licence compliance or supply chain security is to understand what software is in your estate.

Open Source Supply Chain Security

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