Thank Yous
Thank you to all the people that contributed to the creation of work in the InnerSource SIG:
- Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar @dicortazar
- Isabel Drost-Fromm @MaineC
- Jorge Nerea
- Sebastian Spier @spier
- Johannes Tigges @lenucksi
- Nick Schonning @nschonni
- Willem Jiang @WillemJiang
- David Terol @dterol23
- Danese Cooper @Danese
- Clare Dillon @claredillon
- Cristina Coffey @clcoffey
- Robert Underwood @brooklynrob
- Arthur Maltson @amaltson
- Ludmila @Ludmila-N
- James McLeod @mcleo-d
- Daniela Zheleva @daniela-g-zheleva-db
- Elspeth Minty
- James McGovern